Religion News Service

By this Author

Native American man from viral video offers to meet with Catholic students, leaders

Catholic school apologizes after clip emerges of students mocking Native Americans

Roe v. Wade may be in peril, but future of anti-abortion movement is unclear

Five reasons the pope's clergy sex abuse meeting in Rome will fail

Crystal Cathedral, home to the 'Hour of Power,' transforms into Catholic seat

Final US Jesuit group releases names of accused abusers

From the Bible Belt, EWTN shapes world Catholic news

Why making clergy mandatory reporters won't solve the Catholic abuse crisis

Former New York Times reporter slams grand jury report on clerical abuse

Cardinal Kasper is far from controversies for a change, and happily so

Study: New Congress showcases religious diversity but is still mostly Christian

Pope to church: Bring abusers to justice

Official recognition for Ukrainian church roils Orthodox world

An interfaith group finds willing partners to restore a shared watershed

New documentary chronicles a grassroots Catholic 'magisterium'

Egypt's Coptic Christians celebrate Christmas, ponder changing date

A push for compromise on LGBTQ protections may tear evangelicals apart

Pakistani Christians face an uneasy Christmas in the wake of Asia Bibi’s release

Bad priests, of all kinds, chase people away from Christ and the church

Suicides follow India's anti-immigrant drive targeting Muslims

