Religion News Service

By this Author

Interfaith coalition says ‘no principled basis’ for Trump's travel ban

US bishops should thank Steve Bannon

Archdiocese of Santa Fe releases names of accused priests

Reforming Catholic liturgy should be like updating software

First cathedral for Mother Teresa is consecrated in Kosovo

Paula White: 'Our president is not a racist'

Religion journalists singing country and blues in Nashville

Christian America dwindling, including white evangelicals, study shows

All the president's clergymen: The issues

The key evangelical players on Trump's advisory board

All the president’s clergymen

US Catholics and Protestants agree: 500 years after Reformation, they have more in common than not

Face to faith with Chicago Cardinal Blase Cupich

Nigerian clergy demand compensation for churches destroyed by Boko Haram

Sean Spicer finally gets to meet the pope

Jewish Trump supporters resist calls to renounce the president

The religious left is going to miss Steve Bannon

Former KKK member, now a Catholic priest, went public after journalist's inquiry

The Catholic bishops' honeymoon with Trump is over

Saint’s statue defaced amid Confederate monuments debate

