Rhina Guidos

Rhina Guidos is the Latin America regional correspondent for Global Sisters Report. She previously was a reporter and editor for Catholic News Service in Washington, D.C., and has worked at several U.S. newspapers. Guidos is the author of Rutilio Grande: A Table for All, about a Jesuit priest martyred in her native El Salvador. Follow her on Twitter at @rhina_guidos.

Rhina Guidos es la corresponsal regional para América Latina de Global Sisters Report. Anteriormente fue reportera y editora de Catholic News Service en Washington, D.C., y ha trabajado en varios periódicos estadounidenses. Guidos es autora de Rutilio Grande: A Table for All [Rutilio Grande: Una mesa para todos], sobre un sacerdote jesuita martirizado en su El Salvador natal. Sígala en Twitter en @rhina_guidos.

By this Author

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Irish Franciscan who ministered through 40 years of conflict in Latin America dies at 79

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In El Salvador, Carmelite sisters look after the 'shrine' of St. Óscar Romero

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