Simone Orendain

Simone Orendain has returned to work as a freelance multimedia journalist after eight years of caregiving. She reports from the Chicago/Midwest area and Asia, and she regularly covers the Catholic Church in the United States and Asia. She was a foreign correspondent based in Manila for six years before returning to the United States in 2016. In the United States, Simone was an education reporter and regularly covered business and religion.

By this Author

Philippine bishops mull establishment of climate change desk

Church-backed rebel decommissioning program opens in Philippines

Archbishop: Philippine president should pray over resignation decision

Agencies prepare response as powerful typhoon takes aim on Philippines

Philippines prepares for pope with messages on spirituality, crowds

Poverty was among synod's major concerns, Philippine cardinal says

Caritas Manila, CRS send aid to communities flooded by tropical storm

Hundreds brave rain to try to get final glimpse of pope in South Korea

South Korea's Asian Youth Day to focus on leaders from 30 countries

Many Filipinos sought shelters before Rammasun struck, CRS adviser says

CRS adviser: Many Filipinos went to shelters before Rammasun struck

Philippine church official: Court ruling on health law partial victory

Filipino figure skater who can't always afford coach turns to prayer

Caritas Philippines leader calls typhoon devastation 'unimaginable'

Streamers, paint, vendors: Filipinos prepare graves for 'Undas'

Philippines church welcomes court delay on reproductive health law

Philippine bishops consider Supreme Court appeal for reproductive law

Filipinos seek answers on peace deal between government, Muslim rebels

Taize movement brings throwback appeal to U.S.

New archbishop installed in Philippines
