
Franciscan Sisters give NCR $1.5 million to help 'wake up the world'

How the global climate fight could be lost if Trump is reelected

Theologian praises Ireland's green new deal but questions: Will it happen?

EarthBeat Weekly: Re-imagining how we get where we're going

With dam near completion, Catholic leaders urge equitable sharing of Nile

Environmental scientist roots work in sanctity of life: A conversation with Sylvia Hood Washington

EB Weekly: Revisiting integral ecology amid the heat wave and surging coronavirus

EarthBeat Weekly: Where 100 or more of us are gathered…

What does the Democrats' climate plan have to say about environmental justice?

New organization Dayenu seeks to mobilize US Jews for climate action

Threat multiplier: The impacts of climate change on refugees

EarthBeat Weekly: Discerning what the Vatican really means when it comes to divestment

EarthBeat Weekly: Faith climate leaders speak out on racial injustice

Where can I learn more about environmental racism?

Shunning virus and Big Oil, Alaska tribe revives traditions

Marking World Environment Day, pope says: Don't look the other way

Laudato Si' validates centuries of indigenous knowledge to defend nature

Laudato Si ratifica siglos de sabiduría indígena en defensa de la naturaleza

Panel explores how encyclical promotes connection between people, nature

EarthBeat Weekly: Five years after Laudato Si', how far have we come?
