
Catholics prioritize climate work amid Nigerian elections, but campaigners say it's off the agenda

Faith groups, environmental justice advocates urge EPA to go further in new soot pollution rules

During COP15, Catholic activists urge action to protect biodiversity

Catholics in the Amazon hope COP15 generates projects in favor of forest

At COP15, multifaith coalition delivers priorities to UN biodiversity chief

Religion has more than a moral role to play in protecting creation, faith groups say at COP15

Inflation Reduction Act clause makes it easier for churches to go green

Multifaith community mobilizes to preserve creation ahead of COP15 biodiversity summit

Catholics in Puerto Rico pursue solar as preferred energy solution

Last-minute COP27 deal on loss and damage called 'a real breakthrough'

No longer just an observer, Vatican looks to wield new status in UN climate talks

Sisters frustrated at COP27 leaders' ambivalence in implementing climate mitigation funds

Climate activists find their voices at COP27

At COP27, Holy See focuses on 'spirit of togetherness,' sharing climate solutions

Catholic groups worry world leaders all talk, no action on climate at COP27

What religious and civil leaders in Africa expect from COP27

Indigenous, church activists fear Amazon's destruction if Bolsonaro is reelected

Congolese cardinal urges Global North to lead in tackling climate crisis

Advocates already pushing for a satisfactory farm bill in 2023

Head of Miami Catholic Charities helps coordinate statewide response to Ian
