Book Reviews

Mentors of an American Gandhi

Contemplation reveals our grounding in God

Book explores how poetry scratches at the door of transcendence

In the face of Trumpism, Jon Meacham maintains belief in our national soul

The answer to suffering is justice

Journalist Seymour Hersh's memoir chronicles his lifelong calling

James Cone's memoir recounts journey as pioneer in black theology

While the mask remains, memoir serves as coda for James Cone's career

Catholics live in age of interpretive autonomy

Three women's memoirs chronicle arduous, lifelong odysseys

Quaker teacher looks at the end of life

Young Catholics' essays invite readers to deep, authentic listening

Portrait of Trump supporters misses key questions

Flannery O'Connor, Robert Giroux's 'partnership' succeeds

Modern hate's anti-Catholic roots

Francis' repeated call to us: Welcome migrants

Cuéntame invites relationship in urgent times for US Catholics

Philosophy shows us how to respect enemies

Judges discover strength in pivotal decisions

Journey into the mysteries of Paul Robeson
