
Ohio congregation looks to martyred nun Stang as guide to implementing Laudato Si'

COP26 climate summit made progress but came up short, Catholic agencies say

Faith groups' work on climate must continue after COP26, says UNEP official

First week of COP26 offers big climate pledges, but Catholic activists want details

Catholic groups outline priorities ahead of Glasgow COP26 climate change summit

By protecting land, sisters leave a legacy and 'gift it to the planet'

5 reasons why Catholics should care about the COP26 climate summit

Franciscan sisters demonstrate different paths to creating a conservation easement

Federal judge dismisses religious order's lawsuit over pipeline

As temperatures rise with climate change, how can Houston beat the heat?

As climate change intensifies, how might Laudato Si' guide community responses?

Climate change, COVID point to need for radical turn to small farmers

Conference primes US church for bolder responses to Laudato Si', climate change

Second Catholic climate conference looks to build more momentum among US church

There's a revolution needed. Join it.

Bad day for Big Oil is big climate win for religious shareholder advocates

Creation Care Prayer Network launches to spur ecological conversion worldwide

Shut in, locked down, no green space? Six tips to connect with nature

Webinar explores worldview 'collision' when missionaries go to the Amazon

Catholic groups pressure Brazil, US to protect the Amazon and its people
