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Associated Press

By this Author

Chiefs kicker Harrison Butker rails against Pride month, Biden in speech at Catholic college

Vatican Museums staff challenge the pope with a legal bid for better terms and treatment

Catholic church is stonewalling sex abuse investigation, Washington attorney general says

Court rules North Carolina Catholic school could fire gay teacher who announced his wedding online

'A step back in time': America's Catholic Church sees an immense shift toward the old ways

Expanding clergy sexual abuse probe targets New Orleans Catholic church leaders

Abducted retired Catholic bishop who mediated between cartels in Mexico is located, hospitalized

Pope visits Venice to speak to the artists and inmates behind the Biennale's must-see prison show

Mexico's likely next president has a Jewish origin. Is that relevant in a deeply Catholic country?

A Russian Orthodox priest who took part in services for Navalny is suspended by the patriarch

A knife attack in Australia against a bishop and a priest is being treated as terrorism, police say

Unfazed by danger, Guatemalan cardinal keeps up fight for migrants and the poor

Chaldean patriarch returns to Baghdad after nine months of self-imposed exile amid political dispute

Brazil's Yanomami leader asks the Pope to support President Lula in reversing damage to the Amazon

Awe and dread: How religions have responded to total solar eclipses over the centuries

Peru archbishop who sued 2 journalists over reports on abuses, financial corruption resigns early

Pope shows off rosary of slain Ukrainian soldier, denounces 'madness of war'

Vatican to publish document on gender, surrogacy and human dignity next week

The blessing of rain dampens Holy Week in drought-stricken Spain

The Trump camp and the White House clash over Biden's recognition of 'Transgender Day of Visibility'

