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Associated Press

By this Author

Trump tells religious broadcasters he'll defend Christianity against perceived threats from the left

Woman who says she was abused spiritually and sexually by a once-famous Jesuit demands transparency

Retired Catholic bishop charged with sexual offenses in northwest Australia

Despite reforms, victims say church's in-house processes to handle sex abuse cases retraumatizes

The keeper of the Vatican's secrets is retiring. Here's what he wants you to know

New York Archdiocese denounces transgender activist's funeral held at St. Patrick's Cathedral

Catholic bishops in Mexico say they negotiated for possible peace accord with drug cartel leaders

Israel complains after Vatican denounces 'carnage' and disproportionate response in Gaza

Pope and Argentine president, unexpectedly, appear to have hit it off

Pope reaffirms Christians' special relationship with Jews amid rising antisemitism, Gaza war

Pope Francis announces 3 Chinese bishops in a week, in sign controversial Vatican deal is working

Pope says Holocaust Remembrance Day reminds world that war can never be justified

Pope says he hopes to keep promise to visit native Argentina for first time since becoming pontiff

Pope acknowledges resistance to same-sex blessings but doubles down: 'The Lord blesses everyone'

Pope confirms new leader of India's Syro-Malabar Church, divided for decades over liturgy dispute

Wisconsin sexual abuse case against defrocked Cardinal McCarrick suspended

Ex-Jesuit's religious community in Slovenia ordered to dissolve in one year over widespread abuse

Cardinal Becciu convicted of embezzlement in Vatican financial trial, sentenced to prison

The Vatican's 'trial of the century,' a Pandora's box of unintended revelations, explained

The pope says he wants to be buried in the Rome basilica, not in the Vatican

