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Associated Press

By this Author

Cardinal: Pope ordered auditor to resign over spying charge

Chicago archdiocese settles sex abuse suit for $1.2 million

$121.5M settlement in New Mexico clergy sex abuse scandal

Vatican minister visits Ukraine as pope toes delicate line

Pope's recipe to heal his painful knee? A shot of tequila

Egypt begins trial of man accused of killing Coptic priest

Pope rallies from knee pain to proclaim 10 new saints

Arrested Hong Kong cardinal a fiery critic of Beijing

US Interior to release report on Indigenous boarding schools

Wives of Mariupol defenders to pope: 'You are our last hope'

Reports: Hong Kong arrests Roman Catholic cardinal, 3 others

Cardinal: Pope's wheelchair use an example to older adults

Supreme Court rules against Boston in Christian flag case

Pope warns of trust loss without more abuse accountability

Vatican trial places pope, top aide at center of London deal

Book focuses on anomaly of two popes, as Benedict XVI turns 95

Vatican clears John Paul II aide Cardinal Dziwisz of clergy abuse negligence

Hungary's Orban meets pope with Ukraine war as backdrop

NJ diocese agrees to $87.5 million deal to settle sex abuse suits

Archbishop of Canterbury openly criticizes UK plan to deport asylum seekers

