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Associated Press

By this Author

Pope Francis opens Holy Week with call for Easter truce in Ukraine

Ex-Albany bishop acknowledges covering up abuse allegations

Trial testimony: Vatican wanted to pay off London broker

Testimony: Pope approved Vatican payout for London property

Orthodox patriarch denounces 'atrocious invasion' of Ukraine

Canada Indigenous tell pope of abuses at residential schools

Russian talking point: Blaming US for Ukraine church split

Gold ring stolen from St. Nicholas statue in Italian church

Vatican defends hasty rollout of revolutionary laity reform

African Catholics in NYC find community at French Mass

Ukrainian spiritual and diplomatic leaders urge aid, weapons

Priest who balked at COVID precautions removed from parish

Vatican in 'pain' at Nicaragua expulsion of papal nuncio

Northern Irish child abuse victims get government apology

German church urges quick decision on divisive archbishop

Kyiv shrines, memorials with powerful symbolic value at risk

German archbishop offers resignation on return from timeout

Vatican judge tosses defense motions as fraud trial advances

Rejection or welcome: Transgender Catholics encounter both

Priest's new assignment: Helping those he invalidly baptized

