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Carol Glatz

By this Author

Pope sends condolences to victims of two suicide bombings in Iran

Pope: Catholics working in media can de-escalate today's war of words

Italian priest excommunicated for slandering Pope Francis during Mass

Vatican reports 20 Catholic missionaries murdered in 2023

Jesus helps sinners by welcoming, not banishing them, papal preacher says

Vatican offers further guidance on handling cremains

Christians must be open to listening to God, helping others, pope says

Use diplomacy to fix injustices sparking conflicts, pope tells ambassadors

Pope, Council of Cardinals discussed the role of women in the church

Cardinal Parolin to read pope's address to climate conference in Dubai

Pope: Places, mentalities must be more receptive to people with disabilities

God calls some to bring his love, Gospel to everyone, pope says

Pope sees threat of church in Germany moving away from Rome

God's call to each person to be holy benefits everyone, pope says

Jesus loves those who put their trust in him, pope says at memorial Mass

No one wins with war; each life lost represents defeat, pope says

Learn about the lives of saints, be moved by their examples, pope says

Pope Francis closes synod with 'dream' of a church with open doors

Role of bishop is best expressed by being among his people, Dominican says

Caritas: Voices from climate change migrants can be 'blueprint for change'

