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Carol Glatz

By this Author

Women are exploited in political disputes, cultural ideologies, pope says

It's unfair, humiliating if only the rich can build a family, pope says

People should be free to choose, not forced, to migrate, pope says in message

Pope Francis says abusive Catholic clergy 'deserve punishment'

Holy Year 2025 website to go live; registration opens in the fall

Cardinal O'Malley: Papal abuse commission shifting to 'impact-focused' direction

Pope to safeguarding commission: Be kind, bring hope, heal broken lives

Dialogue requires sincerity, respect, pope tells Christian, Muslim leaders

World Youth Day helps inspire young people to serve others, pope says

Giving voice to voiceless highlights their God-given dignity, pope says

Papal abuse commission signs agreement with Vatican's evangelization office

Pope appeals for end to violence in Sudan

Pope calls for end to culture of waste, indifference

Papal academy launches study center to evaluate Marian apparitions

Pope Francis prays at home while thousands attend Way of the Cross at Colosseum

Papal preacher: Nihilism is the 'black hole' of the spiritual universe

Everyone can 'fall,' pope tells inmates; Jesus wants to save each one

Focolare movement pledges greater transparency, action against abuse

Pope Francis visits pediatric oncology ward in Rome hospital, baptizes infant

Nashville shooting was 'senseless act of violence,' pope says in telegram

