Cindy Wooden

By this Author

Paul VI could be canonized in 2018, diocesan newspaper says

Gingrich formally begins service as U.S. ambassador to Holy See

God does not lead us into temptation, Satan does, pope says

Vatican needs to strengthen fight against financial crime, Moneyval says

Pope asks Mary's help in fighting viruses of fear, indifference

Pope's letter to Argentine bishops on 'Amoris Laetitia' part of official record

Build peace by welcoming migrants, refugees, pope says in message

Vatican investigating abuse at pre-seminary

Inequality in health care is sign of society's 'sickness,' pope says

'Invest in love,' pope says on first World Day of the Poor

Couples need help forming, following their consciences, pope says

Authority comes from good example, not having the best title, pope says

Communion, not competition, is key to job growth, pope says

Reformation at 500: Christians see they are brothers, sisters, pope says

U.S. Embassy to Vatican prepares to welcome new ambassador

Being Christian means being missionary, pope says

Death penalty is 'contrary to the Gospel,' pope says

Canon law must serve Vatican II vision of the church, pope says

Pope pledges church commitment to fight child abuse online, offline

Tolerance only way to ensure survival of church in China, Jesuit says

