Cindy Wooden

By this Author

Amid the darkness, hold fast to light of hope, pope says

Vatican updates guidelines for educating priests

Beyond expectations: Pope sees God of surprises at work in 2016

Father Kolvenbach, former Jesuit superior, dies in Beirut

Doubts about faith should spur deeper study, prayer, pope says

Bishops need shared approach to 'Amoris Laetitia,' new cardinal says

Mercy Fridays give pope a year of stories, tears, hugs

Texts of Argentina homilies come with pope's notes on preaching

In China, new bishops must have papal approval, spokesman says

All people long for mercy, pope tells religious leaders

Church personnel must be close to struggling families, pope says

Final resting place: Vatican releases instruction on burial, cremation

Christians who reject all refugees are 'hypocrites,' pope says

Doctrinal congregation convokes meeting on role of women in the church

Pope highlights sanctity of life in Year of Mercy visits

Changing canon law, pope brings Latin and Eastern practices closer

Vatican: Abortion, attempted suicide always obstacles to ordination

Pope praises Argentine bishops' guidelines on helping divorced, remarried couples

Pope declines invitation to name rep to Colombia peace tribunals

Cardinal sees reason to hope for improved Vatican-Chinese relations

