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David Dault

David Dault

David Dault is assistant professor of Christian spirituality at Loyola University Chicago's Institute of Pastoral Studies. He is executive producer and host of "Things Not Seen: Conversations About Culture and Faith." He is also co-host of The Francis Effect, along with Fr. Daniel P. Horan and NCR senior correspondent Heidi Schlumpf.

By this Author

The Francis Effect podcast: Popular movements, paternity leave, and climate change

The Francis Effect podcast: Francis and EWTN; religious liberty standoff; pop culture roundup

The Francis Effect podcast: Synodality, deportation of migrants, and a papal trip

The Francis Effect podcast: Summer catch-up, Latin Mass and ongoing COVID-19 woes

The Francis Effect podcast: Biden's first 100 days and what bishops think of them; plus causes of Catholics leaving church

The Francis Effect podcast: Earth Day, anti-trans legislation and religious liberty cases

The Francis Effect podcast: Chauvin trial, Georgia voter suppression and the church after COVID-19

The Francis Effect podcast: The CDF document, the Atlanta shootings, and Gov. Cuomo

The Francis Effect podcast: The pope in Iraq, COVID-19 relief and the bishops' vaccine nonsense

The Francis Effect podcast: Texas infrastructure, faith-based initiatives office and Fr. Jim McDermott

The Francis Effect podcast: Sr. Nathalie Becquart, Lent, and what we're watching

The Francis Effect podcast: Inauguration, dueling bishop declarations, and the 1776 Commission

The Francis Effect podcast, bonus episode: Attack on the Capitol

The Francis Effect podcast: COVID-19 vaccine, 'wafer wars' and Christmas

The Francis Effect podcast: Advent, US bishops' meeting and martyrs of El Salvador

The Francis Effect podcast: after the election, before a vaccine

The Francis Effect podcast: 2020 Elections, and Francis' remarks on civil unions

The Francis Effect podcast: Election update, Michigan militias and 'Fratelli Tutti'

The Francis Effect podcast: Open SCOTUS seat, Trump's taxes and Fr. Flannery

The Francis Effect podcast: Baptism, the Breonna Taylor settlement and Mass in Milwaukee
