Religion News Service

By this Author

Utah asks Supreme Court for urgent intervention to halt same-sex marriage recognition

Americans view Jews, Christians warmly; atheists, Muslims get cold shoulder

Vatican editor says England's female bishops vote 'complicates' relations

Pope Francis: End the 'racist and xenophobic' approach to migrants along U.S.-Mexico border

Party ties, not religious ones, drive down Obama's approval rating

Interfaith leaders launch daylong unity fast for Mideast peace

Washington sister proves she is iron to the core in triathlons

Why a religious exemption would not open the floodgates

Utah to appeal gay marriage case to Supreme Court

Church of England set to vote on women bishops

Future murky for other mandate challenges

Christianity's new look on gays

Pope Francis meets US televangelists, and the first-ever 'papal high-five' follows

Gay groups pull support for anti-discrimination bill over religious exemption

George Clooney slams story of in-law rift over religion

Obama's faith-based advisers divided over religious exemption for anti-gay discrimination

Catholic schools fight to keep doors open as future dims

Meet the 'evangelical' Catholics remaking the GOP

Religious procession past Mafia boss' home irks Italy's Catholic clergy

Wheaton College gets a pass from Supreme Court on contraception mandate

