Religion News Service

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Pope Francis ‘deeply moved’ by letters from young U.S. prisoners

Survey: Four in 10 Americans support controversial contraception mandate

Orthodox Patriarch Bartholomew may join Vatican prayer summit

Cardinal Kasper is the 'pope's theologian'

Vatican: Too early to confirm 2025 Orthodox-Catholic summit

Gallup: Gay sex, divorce, extramarital sex reach new highs of ‘moral acceptability’

Italy’s Catholic bishops try to put brakes on speedy divorce law

Italy’s Catholic bishops try to put brakes on speedy divorce law

Gay marriage victories propel cases toward Supreme Court at record speed

Atheists lose latest legal fight over 'In God We Trust'

Clergy abuse victims are divided over Pope Francis' offer to meet

Who are the three bishops under Vatican review for sex abuse?

No date set for historic Vatican meeting of Israeli, Palestinian presidents

U.S. nuns haunted by dead Jesuit: the ghost of Pierre Teilhard de Chardin

Pope Francis eyes religious reconciliation on trip to Holy Land

Cardinal Tarcisio Bertone, former Vatican No. 2, denies financial wrongdoing

More Americans willing to vote for an atheist president

Cardinal seeks a truce in fight between U.S. nuns and Vatican’s doctrinal office

Satanism 101: The 'faith' behind the headlines

Pope Francis will take rabbi and Muslim leader with him to Holy Land

