Religion News Service

By this Author

Ukrainian Orthodox switch allegiance from Moscow to Kiev-linked churches

Faith-based education group is calling out Betsy DeVos

Pope Francis and hell

Faith groups condemn citizenship question on US census

Pakistani court ruling aims to publicly identify all religious minorities

Young Catholics call for an authentic, empowering church

Protesters, fans turn out for Fr. James Martin's talk in Chicago

Johnson Amendment remains intact in latest omnibus spending bill

Archbishop of Canterbury: Church has failed to protect children from abuse

The last male rhino of its kind dies. African religious leaders call it a spiritual loss.

No deathbed conversion for atheist Stephen Hawking

Kentucky considers law on student prayer

Jerusalem tax spat pits heaven against earth

Saudi-backed interfaith center boosted by crown prince's surprising reforms

Chief inspector: English schools need to address extremist elements

Survey: Pope Francis is still popular, but warm feelings waning among conservatives

Battle over religion in public schools waged in one of America's fastest-growing cities

Updated: I did get arrested Tuesday

Billy Graham leaves a positive interfaith legacy, with a few blemishes

Billy Graham, America’s pre-eminent evangelist, dies at 99

