Religion News Service

By this Author

Indiana's Church of Cannabis files religious liberty suit

California right-to-die bill stalls on religious opposition and coercion fears

Jimmy Carter: Jesus would approve of gay marriage

Five reasons Christians should stay in the Middle East

Colorado offers long-term birth control, sees abortions plummet

Cardinal Peter Turkson: Bishops need to speak up on the environment

Pope Francis to head to Latin America for 'homecoming' trip

Anglican head expresses concern about Episcopal vote on gay marriage

Why the Supreme Court’s gay marriage decision is not like legalizing abortion

St. Louis priest files federal lawsuit after being cleared of child sex abuse charges

Oklahoma Supreme Court rules Ten Commandments monument must go

British schools must root out extremists, prime minister says

Thousands march in Rome to show support for Pope Francis' eco-encyclical

Poll: The US likes its red-white-and-blue patriotism - mostly

Charleston's Emanuel AME Church reopens with prayer, praise and a call for change

Will Southern Baptists back Russell Moore's call to remove Confederate flag?

Supreme Court rules for Arizona church in sign ordinance case

United Methodist conferences petition denomination on behalf of LGBT rights

Americans' confidence in religion hits a new low

Pope Francis: Seek forgiveness for shutting out refugees

