Religion News Service

By this Author

On eve of anniversary, Turkey's 'cultural genocide' of Armenian history is ongoing

The problem with creating 'Christian' versions of things

Conservative Anglican group backs away from split with Anglican Communion

Chicago's Cardinal George, 78, dies after long fight with cancer

Oklahoma attorney general wants private citizens to distribute religious literature in schools

Canadian Supreme Court rules against prayer at city council meetings

Pope Francis throws the weight of his office behind tackling climate change

In between synods, bishops keep talking

Five things to watch as the 2016 campaign gets underway

Five faith facts about Marco Rubio: 'Once a Catholic always a Catholic'

Survey: Army chaplains need training to help suicidal soldiers

Female rabbis are forging a path outside denominational Judaism

Small band of Mormons register their opposition to church leaders, say 'all is not well in Zion'

A national campaign for 'Islam a la Francaise' takes root amid growing radicalization

Walter Kasper, 'pope's theologian,' reveals the brains behind Francis' heart

#blacklivesmatter in Mark Burnett and Roma Downey's 'A.D.'

The future map of religions reveals a world of change for Christians, Muslims and Jews

Indiana lawmakers agree to amend 'religious freedom' law

Dolan and other religious leaders discuss 'the rise of religious intolerance,' interfaith harmony

Where did the Indiana law come from? A brief history of religious freedom

