Religion News Service

By this Author

Losing their religion: More women join the unspiritual set

Utah highest, Vermont lowest on newest church attendance poll

Washington National Cathedral finishes first stage of earthquake repairs

In the face of unrelenting snow, New England churches soldier on

Obama's God talk 'doesn't stand a chance' in a polarized America

Beyond Myanmar's embattled Muslims, Christians say they face their own persecution

Pope Francis condemns Islamic State's executions of Christians in Libya

What the Chapel Hill murders reveal about the place of Muslims in American society

Survey: College freshmen are distancing themselves from religion

'Fifty Shades of Grey' gets black marks from bishops, pastors

Poll: 1 in 4 Americans say Islamic State represents true Islam

Drones make war too easy, too remote, faith leaders say

Spotty training, increased violence impact young aid workers

Statue of controversial missionary Junipero Serra could get booted from U.S. Capitol

Ousted 'Bling Bishop' makes soft landing in Vatican

Vatican sex abuse commission meets amid new hopes, old concerns

Obama condemns ‘distorted’ faith at National Prayer Breakfast

Focus on Africa’s Islamic extremists has diverted attention from South Sudan’s growing crisis

Francis to address Congress Sept. 24

Executions are down and abolition may not be far behind

