Religion News Service

By this Author

Pope Francis has history, but not time, on his side in reform push

Kenya’s Catholic church to fight hunger by farming its vast land reserves

Jean Vanier, friend of developmentally disabled, wins Templeton Prize

Vatican knew about theft of Michelangelo letters, refuses ransom demand

White Christians are now a minority in 19 states

Cardinal Edward Egan, former New York archbishop, dies at 82

Pope Francis nearly as popular as St. John Paul II among US Catholics

Applebee's not liable for N.J. man burned while praying over fajita skillet

Breakaway Episcopalians win Texas church property fight

Cardinal Timothy Dolan: Islamic State is Muslim like Irish Republican Army was Catholic

Our Lady of Revenue: New York City churches go on the market, leaving parishioners cynical

Islamic State refugees grow disgruntled: ‘We loved them so much’

7 ways universities can begin to challenge anti-Semitism on campus

Anti-Semitism a big problem at US colleges, report says

Three ways relics and artifacts can help us ‘find Jesus’

From competition to compassion, a university president leads the way

Supreme Court wrestles with accommodating religious faith on the job

Who's watching all that Christian media? Christians, but not many others

Theological purity tests will ruin presidents and the presidency

Italy and Vatican on guard after threat from Islamic State

