
Former Salvadoran official extradited, to stand trial for murder of Jesuits

Irish priests told: Reform takes working with bishops, parishioners

'Pope's sociologist' fights human trafficking from the Vatican and in her own parish

SNAP issues apology to priest and St. Louis Archdiocese

Wars, violent conflicts main drivers of human trafficking, says nuncio

Strong net neutrality protections called critical to faith community

U.S., Mexico Catholic bishops meet to renew their 'Alta-Baja' friendship

Indian church guidelines tackle workplace sexual abuse

Justice Action Bulletin: Detention facility opposition; nonviolent gifts

Saudi-Iranian cold war in Middle East heats up in Lebanon

Zimbabwe's bishops urge new government to embrace diversity

Pope, USCCB president pray for victims of Egyptian mosque attack

After prison, a special scholarship gets women back to class

Advocates decry end to protection for Haitian immigrants

Contraceptive mandate battle still on: States fight religious exemptions

Parish roundup: Feeding the hungry; reading about Black Elk

Morocco goes digital to counter radical Islam online

Religion scholars turn activist in the shadow of Trump

Kansans urge Americans to learn from their economic mistakes

Gumbleton on nuclear deterrence: US bishops should reassess peace pastoral
