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Companion letters ask pope for answers on abuse crisis

Young Colombians work to prevent peers from a life of violence, crime

Church did not foresee crimes by bishops, says canon law professor

Letter confirms Vatican officials knew of McCarrick allegations in 2000

Cardinal Wuerl set to open 'Season of Healing' in response to abuse

New York latest to launch probe of church sex abuse records

Pope advises teachers that they need parents' trust, appreciation

Top Pa. state senator opts for victims' fund over remedy for sex abuse suits

Consolata priest helps Colombians find forgiveness after long war

Sexual abuse victims want to be heard by church hierarchy, Jesuit says

Bishop Murry, 'cancer-free,' details action against abuse in Ohio diocese

Salvation demands accusing oneself, not others, pope says

Attorney General asks Nebraska dioceses for sex abuse records

Church urges Colombian government to protect local leaders under threat

Washington priests talk about keeping faith in wake of abuse scandals

At hearing, Kavanaugh highlights his Catholic Charities' volunteer work

Cardinal Bo slams Myanmar military for brutality in Kachin

Laity must have role in fighting clericalism, Vatican official says

Facing facts, coming to terms with one's past bring peace, pope says

Problems related to sex abuse keep growing for U.S. dioceses
