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Jesuit Fr. Edward Reese offers prayers at McCain memorials

Cardinal Wuerl addresses church's 'pain, confusion and disillusionment'

Pope: Pray, act to protect clean water, guarantee access to it

Archbishop Chaput to pope: Cancel youth synod, meet about bishops

Bishop Burns asks pope to convene synod to discuss clergy abuse

Vigano, Vatican spokesmen dispute facts of pope meeting Kim Davis

Francis: Silence best response to 'people who seek only scandal'

Bishop echoes pope: The poor's plight is 'the Gospel, pure and simple'

After 50 years, draft board protesters insist what they did was right

Bishops from Argentina join Spain and Peru in voicing support for pope

Australian bishops, religious say seal of confession is sacred

Clergy lead prayers for healing from abuse scandal in Illinois, N.J.

Missouri prelates invite attorney general to review abuse cases

Bishops of Atlanta province consider ways to lead in the face of crisis

Cardinal Wuerl's letter to priests expresses 'anguish' for suffering

San Juan Archdiocese files for bankruptcy over teacher pensions

Church urges fairer conditions as Bosnia-Herzegovina elections near

Cardinal Parolin: Pope serene despite 'pain' over Archbishop Viganò's testimony

Catholic psychologist, abuse survivor, offers advice for families

Status of Syrian refugees in Lebanon remains largely unchanged
