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Prominent Irish abuse survivor backs Cardinal O'Malley

What New Jersey bishops, now retired, knew about McCarrick settlements

Seton Hall University investigates clergy sexual misconduct charges

World's bishops call for action on abuse; English bishop wants synod

Pennsylvania prelate says bishops who hid abuse should resign

Victims say they felt hurt by fellow Catholics' lack of compassion

Archbishops call for 'penance, purification' to rebuild, renew church

Fr. James Martin urges Catholics to examine attitudes toward LGBT community

Archbishop Nienstedt 'steps aside' from responsibilities with Napa Institute

Cardinal Farrell tells media church needs God to help it build bridges

Priests' group says it's 'sad, angry, frustrated' by abuse scandals

CUA head sees laity as key to renewal in scandal-marred church

Cardinal Cupich says 'sorrow, disgust, rage' are 'righteous' reactions to abuse

Cardinal Wuerl's name removed from Pittsburgh diocesan high school

Clergy sex abuse crisis 'devastating' for the church, cardinal says

Pope: God's name is revealed through authentic faith, not hypocrisy

Victims call for federal investigation of sex abuse in Catholic Church

Lori: 'More than prayers, promises' needed to address anger over abuse

Pittsburgh bishop apologizes to abuse victims, reviews abuse response

Pennsylvania university revokes degrees given to past Scranton bishops
