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Cindy Wooden

By this Author

Vatican Museums repatriates mummies to Peru

Pope urges Asian bishops to count on laypeople, celebrate diversity

Dream of 'synodality' is a fruit of Vatican II, Cardinal Grech writes

Refusal to help migrants is 'sinful, criminal,' pope says at canonization

Reconciliation: Catholic-Methodist dialogue looks at rituals, mission

Germany's Synodal Path continues to draw attention in Rome

Pope to canonize founder of Scalabrinians, Salesian pharmacist

Pope tells Putin: Stop the war

Helping each student shine is a spiritual work of mercy, pope says

Pope to schools: Educate migrants and refugees, but your own students, too

Invasion of Ukraine was barbaric, but war is complicated, pope tells Jesuits

Help the poor and the planet, pope tells young economists, entrepreneurs

Honor Aquinas, don't instrumentalize him, pope says

Pope meets prelates attending weeklong course for new bishops

Pope revamps fund for rural communities in Latin America, Caribbean

Thank God for opportunity to go to school, pope tells Swiss students

Sharing wealth, creating jobs help rich get into heaven, pope says

Young must hasten to share God's love, pope says in WYD message

Pope urges scientists to work for peace, protect the planet

Pope entrusts new relationship with Indigenous to three holy women

