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Cindy Wooden

By this Author

Pope marks anniversary of Russia's 'absurd, cruel' war on Ukraine

The Spirit helps the church avoid 'ideological divisions,' pope says

Jesuits report new accusations against influential Vatican artist

Salvation of souls must be focus of canon lawyers' work, pope says

Catholics must overcome 'temptation' of divisions, pope says

Partners in mission: Dicastery promotes 'co-responsibility' of clergy, laity

Pope tells Jesuits in Africa he twice refused to become a bishop

Pope repeats calls, prayers for peace and justice in Africa

Women help religions share wisdom, promote peace, pope says

God 'suffers' when believers injure, ignore those God loves, pope says

Church tensions are not new or all bad, says Cardinal Hollerich

Learn to understand fear, not be enslaved by it, pope says

Italian publisher releases book of essays by retired Pope Benedict

Faith is a call to service and mission, pope tells U.S. seminarians

Pope announces ecumenical prayer before synod assembly in October

Pope baptizes babies, urges parents to teach them to pray

After Benedict's funeral, publisher releases book by late pope's secretary

Benedict XVI's death and burial: Watching procedures become protocol

Papal calendar: 2023 holds important events for Pope Francis

Continue contemplating the mystery of Christmas, pope urges

