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By this Author

Synod guest shares how process reduces anger, builds community

Love, forgiveness liberate, break cycles of violence, pope says

Pope Francis condemns Hamas terrorism, but expresses concern for Gaza civilians

Synod focus on welcoming is what Jesus would do, synod member says

Synod members to make pilgrimage to catacombs; pray with refugees

Indiscriminate destruction in Ukraine is a 'crime,' pope says

Pope names two Chinese bishops to synod; Vatican publishes synod schedule

Vatican, Lutheran officials call for joint study of Augsburg Confession

Church teaching a 'treasure' that must be defended, Vatican’s new doctrine chief says

Pope Francis sends envoy to China to discuss Ukraine war

Praying for unity, pope welcomes head of Malankara Orthodox Syrian Church

Pope calls for literacy in peacemaking, care for the environment

Vatican's US ambassador: Synod critics have 'demonized' idea of dialogue

Pope recounts the joy, goodness, humility he saw in Mongolia

World needs politicians who uphold Catholic social teaching, pope says

Pope asks renewed prayers for Ukraine on eve of its Independence Day

Retired Cardinal Burke claims synod causing 'grave harm' to Catholic Church

Guadalupe shows how faith is shared simply, with respect, pope says

Fight the Mafia by preaching the Gospel, building community, pope says

Pope: Dorothy Day's life shows evangelizing power of charity, witness, love

