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By this Author

Laity share baptismal call to ministry, service, pope says

Pope Francis asks Papal Foundation to work for church unity

Suffering is a reality to explore, not ignore, pope says

Vatican sends relic of true cross to Britain's King Charles

People wounded in life should find welcome in the church, pope says

North American Catholics identify harm of polarization, bishop says

On 60th anniversary of 'Pacem in Terris,' pope calls for disarmament

Share Easter joy with others, pope urges

Pope at Easter Vigil: Roll away the stone of sadness, encounter the Risen Lord

Holy Week is time for spring cleaning, including spiritually, pope says

Pope updates Eastern canon law on abuse, procedures, punishments

Pope adjusts canon law appeal period for members of religious orders

As pope leaves hospital, he comforts couple, jokes with reporters

Additional charges filed in Vatican finance trial

Pope Francis hospitalized for respiratory infection, Vatican says

Pope asks Italian bishops to consolidate some seminaries

Pope calls European bishops to be prophetic voices for peace

Commission focuses on ensuring synod will be prayerful experience

Pope Francis promises all participants, men and women, will vote in Rome synod

Letters from pope entered into evidence at Vatican trial

