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Cindy Wooden

By this Author

Evangelization includes care for the poor and the Earth, pope tells conference

Media must show, promote respect for human dignity, pope says

Pope: Contemplate greatness of God's love in simplicity of a crèche

Acting to end abuse is 'non-negotiable,' pope says

Eucharistic adoration, charity, promoting justice are connected, pope says

'This is the right moment' to share Gospel joy, pope says

Pope to address UN climate conference, inaugurate 'Faith Pavilion'

Stop violence against women; stop glorifying domination, pope says

Vatican: Trans persons can be baptized as Catholics, serve as godparents

Synod, soccer, sexuality: Pope gives another wide-ranging interview

'Your prayer gives me strength,' pope says, asking for prayers in November

Violence in Holy Land shows need to support local Christians, cardinal says

Synodality benefits from and increases ecumenical ties, participants say

Listen to, trust the lay faithful, pope tells synod members

At synod prayer service, pope calls for immigration reform with a heart

Synod members urge patience as process continues

Prayer is weapon against 'diabolical' power of violence, pope says

St. Thérèse teaches simplicity, love, trust, pope says in document

Synod members from around the globe unite in praying for peace

Synod elects members to oversee synthesis report

