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By this Author

Pope writes to Holy Land Catholics living under 'dark clouds of Good Friday'

Pope writes meditations for Via Crucis at Colosseum, Vatican says

At audience, pope looks at virtue of prudence, prays for peace

Rome biblical and Eastern institutes merged with Gregorian University

Respect life by opposing war, Vatican officials say in Ramadan message

Pope sets up groups to study most controversial issues raised at synod

Vatican appeals court upholds climate activists' conviction

Pope makes brief trip to hospital for unspecified tests

Pope cancels another day of meetings because of flu symptoms

Vatican announces next synod will be held Oct. 2-27

Laziness is a symptom of 'acedia,' a dangerous vice, pope says

Chicago chef shares 'Recipe for Change' with pope

'Feeling omnipotent' is at root of clerical abuse, pope says

Don't reduce women's role in church to question of ministry, pope says

Pope blasts 'hypocrisy' of those who bless businesses, but not gay couples

Pope invites Anglican woman bishop to Council of Cardinals meeting

Changing words in sacraments can make them invalid, Vatican's doctrinal office warns

Vatican clarifies handling of cases of abuse of 'vulnerable adults'

Pope Francis says purpose of gay blessings decree 'to include, not divide'

Blessings are signs of church's closeness, pope says

