
Pastor apologizes for words 'hurtful to Muslims' in homily on immigration

In Nigeria, archdiocese provides relief to victims of fire disaster

Staying in the moment, even when the moment is repeated

Links for 1/30/20

Appeals court acquits French cardinal of sex abuse cover-up

Evangelicals embrace Trump's peace plan, saying it recognizes the Bible 'as legal'

Knights of Columbus unveils new initiation ceremony that will be public

Court says Catholic universities not under labor board's authority

Peace scholar says finding disappeared victims of Mexico's drug war 'a moral issue'

Priests in group shut down by Vatican accused of sex abuse

Oversight ends in St. Paul Archdiocese child protection case

Trump seals his Catholic deal

Appeals court says Catholic university not obligated to allow unionizing

As coronavirus spreads, churches outside China take preventive measures

Catholic agencies disappointed by court's order limiting immigrant aid

Liberty University's debate between religious liberals and conservatives hits a snag

Federal judge says abortifacients lawsuit can proceed against Notre Dame

Links for 1/28/20

Catholic Social Ministry Gathering, March for Life converge in Washington

Loss of Catholic star Kobe Bryant reminds us that life is fragile
