
Our Romero moment: Time for US bishops to stand up against racism

Copy Desk Daily, July 1, 2020

Links for 6/30/20

Editorial: Why white Jesus is a problem

Francis, the comic strip

We need to talk about David Haas

Copy Desk Daily, June 30, 2020

Oh, God of justice, come to our aid

Time for McConnell to help state and local governments cope with the pandemic

Religious conservatives have lost LGBTQ rights battle. It's time to surrender

The sycophancy of Raymond Arroyo

Your thoughts on the Knights of Columbus and their politics

Can U.S. bishops' support of discrimination against LGBT be sustained?

Francis, the comic strip

Links for 6/25/20

For Catholics, wearing a mask is an expression of true freedom

The ties that bind: How the Catholic Church can respond to the cult of personality

'The Ethics of Encounter' makes Catholic social teaching more accessible

The truth about so-called 'gender ideology'

Debate the issues; don't destroy the statues
